Weekly Services

Our Sunday Service

Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We invite you to experience what the gospel means both intellectually and relationally at one of our Sunday worship services. You can engage with others as much as you want, or remain anonymous if you prefer. We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus.

Service Times

Sunday Service

10:00 -12:00 PM

Nursery is available during service Children are dismissed to Sunday school after worship

Wednesday Service 6:30-8:00 PM

Authentic Worship

At Calvary Dallas, our supreme desire is to know Jesus Christ and to be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that our worship should be both inspirational and spiritual. We remain flexible and yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As a worship team at Calvary Chapel we desire to accurately represent our God and draw the congregation into a deeper relationship with Him. Music and songs are a vehicle that God uses to draw us to a closer place with Him. We select praise and worship songs that are Biblically based and theologically correct, They are also selected to support the weekly Bible teaching

Teaching from Scripture

We believe that practical, relevant teaching is the catalyst for transformation in an individual's life. Scripture is inspired by God, completely accurate and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living.

We value Scripture—the Bible—as the basis for understanding who God is and how to orient our lives fully around Him. You can expect that each Sunday morning and our Wednesday evening apologetics class will include practical teaching from God's Word as we teach through the Bible chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

First time at Calvary Chapel?

We know that attending a church service for the first time can be a super scary thing... Being unsure of what the dress, culture or even when to stand up and sit down can be a weirdly paralyzing thought! At Calvary Chapel, you can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You will be encouraged and maybe even challenged.

We've created a first-time visitors card that our greeters will give you at your first visit at a Calvary Chapel Sunday gathering, and help answer any questions or concerns you might have. To find out more about us, click the link below.