We exist to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community and gospel-centered service. This is our process for discipleship. Out of this gospel-centered service is the overflow of discipleship, serving those in and outside the church. One of the ways we pursue and live out this discipleship trait is through volunteer opportunities.
Our philosophy of children's ministry at Calvary Chapel is simple. They are the future church so let's ground them in the word of God. Our curriculum is from Answers in Genesis and takes them deeper into the Bible as they grow and graduate through our classes. We offer classes for 2 yrs-Jr/Sr High and have nursery for children under 2 yrs. Currently we are in a growing period and are having the Jr/Sr high remain in service and our children 4yrs-5th grade in a combined children's church. As our children's ministry expands then our classes will expand as well.
We're always looking for committed, ministry-minded individuals to love and serve our kids, and to show the love of Christ to them during our Sunday service. If you're someone who would like to serve, or just know a little bit more about our philosophy of children's ministry, please contact Roger Wilson
For most, our Sunday morning gathering is the first opportunity to serve at Calvary Chapel. We need people who can serve as sound board technicians, greeters, post-fellowship clean-up, or as members of the worship team. If you would like to get involved we would love to find a place for you to share your gifts. Please talk to a member of the church leadership for details.
Donating your time is not the only way to serve at Calvary Chapel. There are recurring costs to operating and staffing our ministry, as well as helping us do work throughout our community and the world. We believe that God calls us to give, and to give generously. We give you a chance to worship in this way on our website.